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Spears are what you typically think of when you consider primitive weapons. They are very primitive as far as weapons go, but they do have the unique advantage over a knife of allowing you to keep a distance from quarry or as a defense against predators. A good spear might be a something to consider making if you are lost in bear country!


As far as using a spear as a survival tool for hunting, I would strongly recommend against it unless you are lost with a bunch of your friends, and plan to drive bison over cliffs with spears and torches... not bloody likely. As I mentioned above, it might not be a bad idea to have a spear/walking stick as a defensive tool depending on where you are, and what critters may be about. In that case, do not make it super long. About as tall as you and heavy hardwood is what I'd recommend. A nice fire hardened tip is fine. Don't waste your time trying to whittle flint spearheads, unless you are part of the aforementioned bison crew.





A really useful tool for survival would be a fish spear. This is typically a much thinner tool (about 1" in diameter), and has a very sharp tip with barbs to hold on to your catch. These barbs are relatively easy to whittle into the tip, and are well worth putting there. A survival situation is not the time that you want to experience that, "one that got away" story!! This can be used as a Hawaiian Fishing Spear (shown below) if you have a set of slingshot bands.




I include a set of slingshot bands in my Survival Kit, which can be used to make a Hawaiian Fishing Spear. A Hawaiian Fishing Spear is used for fishing or for small game like frogs and other creatures that you can get close to. By tying some ParaCord to the ends of the Slingshot bands as shown below, you can make a hook for your thumb. The blunt end of the spear can now be placed in the pouch, and with your thumb hooked in the ParaCord loop, the spear can be drawn back stretching the bands. The spear can now be gripped near the tip. Once aimed at the target, just release, and the bands produce a quick jab. Whereas these produce such a quick thrust, they are ideal for small game that would otherwise be too fast.



Out of all the Spears, if I could only take ONE into the woods with me, my choice would be THIS ONE