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Latest Designs - Bulldozer

This design is one that I've been mulling over for some time now. The goal is to design an incredibly tough blade that will achieve superior chopping power.... BUT... to do this in a relatively small overall profile.

To chop with a short blade, you need some weight up front, but without increasing the overall length. As such, both the width and the thickness have to be increased. I plan on making this out of 5/16" or possibly even 3/8" thick medium to high carbon steel. Maybe a 1055 with some hardness added where needed (surface and edge hardening).

I'm going to keep this one simple, and I'm planning on a cord-wrapped handle:

This design allows you to choke up close on the blade when performing detailed work, but when gripped by the large ring at the rear, will allow a decent chopping stroke. The geometry and weight balance should approximate a short hatchet.

If your screen is set at 96 DPI, then this picture (below) should approximate actual size:





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